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Mission and Goals

Our mission statement is to join together the hearts of women that will pray for the United States; to bring personal meaning to the phrase "In God We Trust" at all levels of public policy. Also, to pray that the base of public policy would adhere to Biblical and Constitutional principles that our founding fathers established. Most importantly, to pray for unity in the country, for righteous officials to be elected and for the protection of our country.

Our goal is to expand our membership in all states with committed women who will vote and make a difference in getting conservative candidates elected and re-elected at all levels of government

Targets for the up-coming elections

  • To have women commit to praying for our nation and its leaders on a daily basis, as well as in weekly prayer meetings.
  • To have a million women signed up at our website committed to vote for all conservative candidates.
  • To propel women towards engagement in the political process through education and working with local Republican clubs to take charge of securing conservative candidates working to get them elected.




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Get Involved. We need all the help we can get to see a conservative majority in our elected officials!